Hotel Marconi


Hotel Marconi is located at the feet of the Rialto Bridge and closed by the public transportation overlooking the “Canal Grande”.
The Rialto Bridge was built around 1181 by the work of Nicolò Barattieri. It seems it was just a simple bridge of boats named “the Quartarolo bridge”, or the “Bridge of the coin”, in memory of the toll that people had to pay crossing with the preexisting ferry.

During the year 1255, under the doge Ranieri Zen, It got rebuilt on wood up on stilts. It got rebuilt several times over the centuries and during the 500 it was rebuild wider with sides for shops and the central part mobile to let the masts of boats passing thought. It was then that the bridge got called “Rialto”, as we know it today. You can ‘ see how it was at the Galleries of the academy.


About 200 meters away there is the famous “Rialto Fish Market” and near the “Church of the Frari” and crossed the Rialto Bridge the famous street called “mercerie”. In 5 minutes you will arrive to Piazza San Marco, where you can admire the famous Basilica and the “Ponte dei Sospiri”.

Not far away are also the Accademia Gallery and the Church of the Frari, the work of 300 built for the end of a plague. Not far away you will also find the “Peggy Cugenheim Collection” immediately after the “Accademia Bridge”.

To visit the Biennale of Art and of Architecture, with a scenic walk of half an hour, you arrive to the Giardini, the historic seat of exhibitions. For lovers of contemporary art, we note you the “Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ca ‘ Pesaro” which is reachable by vaporetto stops departing from Rialto with the collections of masterpieces by Klimt , Chagall, Kandinsky, Klee and Matisse.

Those who prefer the Venetian painting from ‘300 to ‘700 , a must is a visit to the Accademia Gallery, a 15- minute walk away with masterpieces by Bellini, Carpaccio , Giorgione to Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto.

You can do the most sophisticated shopping between boutiques of glass, gold and lace in Piazza San Marco and between the clothing and accessories of international designers on Via XXII Marzo and Tailors.

Hotel Marconi



+39 0415222068



Riva del Vin, San Polo, 729 – 30125 Venezia